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Best Way to Move Local - MovingLocal
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Fastest Way to Move Local

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While moving is never particularly fun, a local move is almost always preferred over a long-distance move. This does not mean that moving to a brand new city or state is not enjoyable but simply that the logistics involved with making such a move are far more complicated than a move that is local. However, even when it comes to local moves it can still be a stressful endeavor.

The stress level rises dramatically if you have to make your move quickly, let’s say for instance because you have found out that there is structural damage to your home or because you have found out that your rental property has termites. Both of these scenarios require a quick move and they often times, especially if you are renting your place, wind up in issues with the landlord that are not easily or quickly solved.

Yet if you find yourself in a situation where you are wondering what the fastest way to move local is then have no fear because you have come to the right place. Below we will give you the information that you need in order to make sure that you are able to move out of your old place and into a new place as quickly as possible. We understand that you may be worried about how much a fast move will cost you, but we keep all of this in mind and offer solutions that are not only affordable but also practical.

Information Regarding Why You May Have to Move Quickly

One of the last reasons that an individual or family wants to have to move quickly is because they have found out that their home is infested with some sort of insect problem. Many times these issues can be taken care of by having an exterminator come and spray the house, but in instances where the infestation is so bad that there is nothing that can be done, or if it is just too much for you to handle, then you probably need to know the fastest way to move local. However, before you throw all of your stuff in a truck and move to your new place you definitely want to consult some type of specialist to make sure that you are not going to be bringing those insects with you to your new place. As gross as it is to talk about these things, it is a reality that sometimes people need to face.

An example of this is if you find out that you have bed bugs in your home or certain types of termites. In particular, if you have bed bugs then you definitely want to consult with a professional to see if your furniture is salvageable or whether you need to throw everything out and start over. The same can be said for termites that can very possibly be hiding in your furniture and if you move it with you, then the problem starts all over again.

With the examples above you should be able to get out of your lease (although this all depends on the lease that you signed and how reasonable your landlord is.) However, there are other examples like the unfortunate ending of a relationship or irreconcilable issues with a roommate that may cause you to have to get out of a lease for reasons that are not actual legal reasons to end the lease agreement. In cases like this it is best to reach out to your landlord and try to have a discussion with them about what your options are. Explain to them that you are currently looking for the fastest way to move local and that you need to break your lease. If possible, tell them that you will help them to find a tenant, as this may help to bring them on board to letting you out of the lease without having to pay any penalties.

What is the Fastest Way to Move Local?

If you are truly looking for the fastest way to move local then renting a moving truck and handling the move yourself is really the way to go. If you rent a moving truck and handle the move entirely yourself then you will be able to control when the move happens and how quickly it happens. For instance, if you need to move your stuff out of your current place that week or even that day, then you will have no problem doing so if you rent a moving truck. Granted you may have to try a few different rental places if you are looking for same-day rental, but if you live in a major metropolitan area then this shouldn’t be a problem.

With that said one of the difficulties and setbacks to moving quickly in this manner is that you may not be able to find people to help you on such short notice. People usually loathe having to help others move and when they are asked with only a day or so notice the number of people available and willing to help could decrease dramatically. However, depending on how much stuff you have to move you may only need one other person to help you complete your move. This is particularly true if you live in a one-bedroom or studio apartment.

If you find that you are unable to find people to help you move and you are going to be unable to do the move by yourself, then the fastest way to move local is going to be finding a moving company. In reality, the moving company will take less time to complete the physical move then if you did it yourself, but the reason why we didn’t place it above renting a moving truck is because you need to schedule a moving company and it can sometimes be difficult to find one to do a same-day or same-week move.

Granted hiring a moving company to do a local move is going to be a few hundred or thousand dollars more than if you did the move yourself, but if you are in a bind and cannot do the move yourself then it is not only a viable option but also your only real option.

Hiring a moving company is probably also quicker if you have a large house to move, meaning a home that 3 or more bedrooms. Having to pack up this amount of stuff and move it yourself in a short time span can be almost impossible, but if you hire a moving company and also pay for some of their add-on services then you will be able to complete your move incredibly quickly.

So if you are currently looking for a fast way to move locally don’t freak out and don’t let your thoughts run away from you. Simply take a look at the situation you are currently in, see if you can find some people to help you move and act accordingly. If you can get enough people in the short time period that you are working with, then rent a moving truck, but if you can’t, it’s not the end of the world. Call around to a few local moving companies and see if they can work you into their schedule.