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Moving Suplies: What Will You Need - MovingLocal
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What Moving Supplies Will I Need

A commonly overlooked expensive when it comes to moving is the supplies that you need in order to actually move. It is so easy to get bogged down in the expensive of the mover, the possible new furniture, and the rent or mortgage that it is easy to lose sight of the fact that you have to budget for miscellaneous supplies that will help you with the move.

Luckily we have a lot of experience in this area and so before you go rushing off to Amazon or your nearest office supply store wondering what supplies will I need, read on in order to find some cheap and effective ways to get everything that you will need for your move.

It should be noted that if you’ve made it this far in our moving guide then you have already learned a fair amount of what to expect when it comes to the move and this section can feel like we are just adding another thing for you to do, in the already mounting list that you have. However, answering the question of what supplies will I need is fairly simple and it actually isn’t something that you need to worry about until the actual move date gets closer.

What Supplies Will I Need?

If you have ever moved before then you are probably aware of what sort of supplies you will need in order to move. With that said it is always good to get a refresher on this since during the anxiety of the move you are bound to forget something and you don’t want to have to drop everything you are doing on packing day to run out to the store to buy rope or scissors, or any of the other various items that can be helpful with a move.

In order to make answering the question of what supplies will I need as easy as possible below is a list of the most commonly purchased items when an individual is moving:

  • Boxes
  • Shipping Tape
  • Tape Gun
  • Box Cutters
  • Scissors
  • Permanent Marker
  • Packing Material
  • Felt Pads
  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Rope

Some of these items like a tape gun or box cutters may seem unnecessary, considering that they may not get much use after the move is completed, but when it comes to packing and unpacking your items any professional mover will tell you that they are essential.

A good tape gun will run you around $10, so it probably won’t break the bank and it is definitely the best way to distribute shipping tape onto the folds of a box. If you have ever attempted to do this without a tape gun then you know how frustrating it can be, so the $10 basically pays for itself in saving you from anxiety and irritation.

The same can be said for the box cutters, which really shouldn’t cost more than $5. While you can cut tape or open boxes with scissors, having a box cutter handy will make this whole process easier, and there is less of a chance that you will cut yourself like you could on open scissors.

If it seems like we are just costing you more money the more you read through this list don’t fret because next up is some ways to save money on the absolutely essential items on the list.

How To Get Cheap or Free Supplies

We briefly touched on the fact that you can get free boxes from most retail stores like Target, Wal-Mart or your local grocery store if you go at the right time, but it is definitely worth reiterating here.

Depending on how many rooms you have to pack up or how many boxes you are going to need in order to move you may have to make a few trips to the store, but if you start a few weeks out you’ll be able to collect all of the boxes you need in order to move, without spending any money on a single box.

The first thing you should after you get done reading about what supplies will I need is think about what large retail store is nearest to you and plan on going there around the time that they open. Most of these types of stores open between 8 and 9, so if you can make it on the weekdays before work that would be best. However, there are sometimes deliveries on the weekend, so early Saturday morning you might be able to get a nice cache of boxes.

When you go into the store go up to the customer service desk and ask them if they have any boxes in the back that you would be able to take. They should know what you are talking about, seeing as how this is a fairly common request, but if they don’t, ask them to talk to a manager for you.

Most retail stores use a bailer to bundle up their boxes at some point during the day and then they throw them out, so if you do not get there in time and the boxes have already been destroyed just ask what time/day would be good for you to come back so that you can get the boxes that you need. If you do this you should be able to collect enough boxes in order to move, without having to pay a dime. However be careful that you tape the boxes up very good as they may be weakened by the fact that they have been used before, and also be careful not to take boxes that had liquids in them because very often they will become weakened if the liquids leaked.

The next life-hack in answering the question of what supplies will I need is with packing material. You could go to an office supply wholesaler (which is really where you’d need to go to get the volume of paper you’d need) or you can use magazines and newspapers that you don’t need in order to pack your stuff.

Most people do not have enough magazines or newspapers lying around to securely pack all of their stuff, but you can ask friends or even reach out on social media a few weeks prior to a move to see if anyone can save up their newspapers or magazines for you.

One thing that does need to be addressed with this method is the fact that newspaper will get on your things, so it is best to only use it on plates and other items like that, which can be easily cleaned. For cloth items or more valuable items, it is best to either use magazines or actually go out and buy a few rolls of packing material so that you can ensure that your items are really secured.

It is also important to note that you shouldn’t skimp on the packing material. Use more than you think you need in each box and be sure to shake the box after it is taped up to make sure that nothing is moving around inside.

All in all, buying the supplies you need to move shouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg and if you plan accordingly you will be able to get everything you need for a bargain.