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How to Move Into Your New Home If You Used a Pod - MovingLocal
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How to Move Into Your New Home If You Used a Pod

If you used a pod for your move then you have probably been working on your move for a while and now you are at the tail end of a weeks-long process. Your moving pod has probably been sitting in your driveway for the past month and now it is just about ready to be picked up and moved to your new home. The experience that you have had up to this point is probably nothing like hiring a moving company or renting a moving truck. The reason is because if you used a pod in order to move then you can go entirely at your own pace and do not have to feel rushed at all.

This is one of the major selling points for using a moving pod to move into your new home. Whereas in the past you were at the whims of having to get everything moved in a single day or rent a truck for multiple days when using a pod you can take your sweet time and go at either a quick or leisurely pace.

However, as wonderful as using a moving pod can be, there are certain circumstances where it is not viable to use one. For instance, if you live in an apartment complex where you will be unable to store the pod for a few weeks or a month or if you live in a tiny apartment and are moving locally. Although certain individuals suggest that a small moving pod is the best way to move a small apartment locally, when it comes to expenses, this usually costs more than doing the move yourself or hiring a moving company.

How to Pack Up a Moving Pod

If you used a pod for moving then you are more than likely already aware of the best way to go about packing up these moving containers, but just in case you aren’t we will reiterate some of the information presented in our guide on moving pods.

For starters, it is best to rent a moving pod that is probably a little bit bigger than the actual size that you need. This should always be the rule of thumb when it comes to renting anything related to moving, whether it be a truck or moving pod. The reason being is that you don’t want to discover while you are already in the midst of your move that you have run out of space and need to rent a larger or second pod.

When your pod arrives you want to ensure that it is put in a place where you can easily access it but it won’t get in the way. Many times people leave their pods in their driveway, and if you have a garage we have found that it is best to put the pod close the garage so that you can easily carry items to it, but still have space to park your car.

Similar to the way that you would go about moving with a moving company or if you rented a moving truck, you want to start by packing the pod with items that you are not going to need to use. For instance, you probably don’t want to put your family room couch or TV in the pod until close to the moving day, as these items are used most frequently. It can be tough to decide what you can pack ahead of time and what needs to stay out but if you simply pay attention to what you use throughout the week you should be able to narrow this down.

A day or so before the move you should begin bringing the larger items into the pod so that you don’t have to rush to get everything done before it is picked up. This may mean that you are living sort of uncomfortably for a day, but it is better than rushing to finish packing as the driver pulls up to your house.

How to Move Into Your Home If You Used a Pod

One of the best parts of a move if you used a pod is the fact that you can schedule when you want your pod picked up and dropped off. While yes you also schedule a moving truck rental and a moving company, both of these options don’t really allow you the freedom that a moving pod does.

For instance, let’s say that you are moving across the country but are not going to be moving into your new place for a week or so because you plan on taking your time and going sightseeing along the way. You can either have the pod dropped off at your new place before you get there and it will be ready and waiting, or you can have the transportation company store your items until you are ready to move. Unlike with a traditional moving company, there is no need for the transportation company to move your items off of a truck and into a storage unit since the pod is a storage unit in and of itself. All they have to do is take the pod off of the truck and so there is much less chance that anything will get damaged or lost.

If you used a pod and are now ready to begin the process of moving in you may be wondering what the best way to accomplish this is. The truth is that it is very similar to how you would move into a new home if you hired a moving company or if you rented your own truck, but the difference is that you can go entirely at your own pace. If you want to pay for the rental of the unit for an additional month and take that time to unpack you can do that. Considering that the pods are secure from weather and the elements you don’t have to worry about your belongings staying there for an extended period of time.

We do suggest however that the first day of your move-in you take out items that you are going to need to use, like beds, a TV, clothing, etc, and begin the process of unpacking with these items. But since you have the flexibility to take as much time as you want there is no real rush to clutter up your new home with a bunch of boxes as you unpack over the next few days.

Now this can be a recipe for procrastination and we do think that getting as much done on the first day as you can is a good thing, you do not need to stress yourself out with time constraints. Simply take your time and move at the pace that you want to move. If you used a pod for your move then you will also have the ability to set furniture up as you go. This means that you can bring in all of the beds and set them up, as well as any other large furniture you may have. This allows you to really see your new place and the potential that it has and makes decorating all the more easier.